Rewired Guru

Stray Rewired: Interesting Discoveries on Dogs & Birds




Book is designed to take you all through a series of short stories into the lives of most invaluable dogs and birds. A journey full of fun, emotions, separation, loss, anger, laughter, surprises, shocks, jealousy, possessiveness, loyalty, sacrifices, learning and lot more! A WONDERFULLY ENGAGING BOOK FOR ALL AGES!

They beautifully touched the life of my sister Tina and others around her. This book is an attempt to take you all through a heartfelt and wonderful journey of dogs and birds. It is based on true incidents in the lives of dogs and birds. All the dog and bird lovers around the world will enjoy reading this heartfelt story.

My sister Tina has been very close to stray dogs, animals and birds. She has been my inspiration to write this book. Tina’s job took her around places that were countryside, giving her the great opportunity to connect with several stray dogs, animals and birds. I would frequently call my sister Tina about her work and the city she was visiting. Often on the phone, she would mention incidents of stray dogs and birds. There would always be a story or an incident that she would have to share. I started to love listening to her stories and was intrigued by her love and care for these stray living beings. Soon enough, it almost became one of the major parts of our phone conversations. One of the primary reasons for me enjoying her narration was that she has this incredible ability to tell a story. Listening to her narrations, one would start visualizing the whole incident. Her stories were so beautiful that they, in a way, inspired my trip to India. When I was visiting her, I had the opportunity to connect with all these stray dogs and birds. I had some wonderful memorable incidents during my stay. This trip and the wonderful narrations from my sister inspired me to write this book.

Most of the times when people are dog lovers, they usually tend to have a pet dog. This has not been the case for my sister Tina. Tina’s circumstances prevented her from keeping pets. In a way, this gave her the beautiful opportunity to connect with several stray dogs as she traveled to different places. Encounters with stray dogs during her journey will hopefully give some invaluable insights to all readers.


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